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This product is a tool for executing and controlling animations, various effects, and texts on two-dimensional light strings and various structures. Based on the number of light strings ordered by the client and the installation type, the central control box is divided into different types and sizes.
The body of the central control box is made of cold-rolled steel sheets with a thickness of 1.5 mm, and it is coated with static paint for durability.
In the central control box, we have made every effort to use bundle design technology, which, in addition to its modular nature, ensures easy installation, setup, maintenance, support, and product upgrades, even after the warranty period has expired.
The maximum number of light strings that can be connected to a standard central control box is 64, with the minimum being 8 strings. The maximum distance (cable length) from the central control box to the first point of each string can be up to 25 meters. However, these limitations do not restrict the client’s order, as by using networked central control boxes, these limitations can be completely eliminated.
In cases where the number of light strings exceeds 64, or in orders such as light tunnels where the distance from the first to the last string is greater than the allowed cable length for each string to the central box, integrated networked central control boxes can be used.
In these networked boxes, the number and distance between boxes do not affect the display. All connected light strings will show a unified animation and effect. For example, if you request a display with more than 64 strings, we will design two or more boxes based on your request so that the entire display will present a cohesive and unified show.
In another model of the central control box, which is a type of networked box, a similar program is observed across two or more boxes, but all boxes display a synchronized frame.
A simple example of this type of box is the implementation of four semi-pyramids on four boulevards connected to a square. When a person stands in the square, they will see a full program on each of the semi-pyramids, but the synchronization in the execution ensures that all four semi-pyramids display the same, unified program simultaneously.
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